Since the PDRC’s Designation in 2002, we’ve kept busy! With amazing partners like the Poultney Historical Society, the Poultney Area Chamber of Commerce and so many others, both local and regional, we’ve been able to take on some great projects in an effort to revitalize Poultney’s beautiful and historic Downtown. Check out some of our proudest moments and our current calendar!
Project: Slate Sentinel Gateway
In 2016, the PDRC was proud to provide additional funds to The Silent Friend Slate project’s Slate Sentinel Gateway to Main Street with local sculptor Kerry O. Furlani. The Silent Friend Slate Project is designed to revitalize Vermont’s rich slate history and pay tribute to the workers and the industry long uncelebrated in this state. At the same time, it will establish a gateway to downtown Poultney with the hope of increasing tourism in the area. The name is inspired by a historic East Poultney slate business from years ago, The Silent Friend Slate Company.
Envisioned by Kerry O. Furlani, a slate sculptor with a studio in Poultney, and in partnership with the Poultney Historical Society, the project has been brought to life with the funding of the Vermont Arts Council.
Streetscape Improvement: New Banners, 2015
In 2014, the Design subcommittee of the PDRC met to discuss the banners that should fly over Main Street in the Downtown to replace the old, damaged banners. The new designs would showcase the events that occur year-round in Poultney, reminding citizens and visitors of our rich and vibrant Main Street happenings. The new banners were installed in Spring of 2015.

Streetscape Improvement: Pedestrian Safety Signage, 2013
With funding from the Safe Routes to School grant program, the PDRC and the Town installed signage for pedestrian safety and traffic calming on Main Street and East Main Street, including crosswalk signs, slow school/pedestrian signs, and solar powered “Your Speed Is” radar signs.
Event: Poultney 2020 Initiative, 2013-Ongoing
In 2013, the PDRC and Green Mountain College co-sponsored a town-wide strategic planning initiative to revitalize community spirit and set in motion several projects that residents agreed were high priority, including establishing (an official) trails system in town, the purchase of a pocket park on or near Main Street, and the initiation of a local artists group, the Slate Valley Arts Center, which currently occupies the 3rd floor of the Colvin Building on Main Street. It was a tremendously successful partnership that continues in various forms today.
Streetscape Improvement: Bike Racks, 2013
In partnership with Poultney’s Safe Routes to School program, the PDRC installed bike racks around Downtown, including one at the Poultney Small Business Development Center and one at the Post Office. In response, an area resident built two supplementary bike racks, for the Stone Valley Market on Main Street and the Discount Food store on East Main Street adjacent to the Downtown.
Streetscape Improvement: Trash Receptacles, 2013
In 2013, trash receptacles were purchased and installed around Main Street to curb issues with litter. It was a very successful endeavor, and more trash receptacles (and dog waste stations) will likely be purchased in the future to continue this trend.
Streetscape Improvement: Benches, 2012
In 2012, the PDRC purchased 10 new benches for Main Street, distributed outside of local shops.
Streetscape Improvement: PHS Rain Garden, 2012
In 2012, the PDRC worked with the Town of Poultney to install a rain garden at Poultney High School, while paving the adjacent parking lot and significantly improving sidewalk access. This was a Transportation Improvement and Safe Routes to School project.
Event: Poultney 250th Celebration, 2011
In 2011, the Poultney Community planned a year’s worth of celebrations to commemorate our 250th birthday. The PDRC was at the forefront of this planning, working closely with the Town and the Chamber of Commerce to bring everything together. Most of the activities took place in the Poultney Downtown, including the burying of a time capsule and the dedication of a new tree, as well as a historical showcase at the Tiny Theater and a huge 4th of July parade.
New Business: Stone Valley Market, 2010
In 2010, the PDRC helped apply for a USDA RBEG grant to fund signage, a website, a brochure and a business plan for the Stone Valley Market. Through those efforts, the market is thriving today on Main Street, with a strong membership and overwhelming community support.
Streetscape Improvement: Flower Baskets & Beds, 2010
In 2010, the PDRC installed beautiful hanging flower baskets on the light posts that adorn Main Street, as well as several flower beds throughout the Downtown.
Maintaining these baskets and beds is an ongoing project of the PDRC that we take much pride in.
eCommerce Project: eVermont, 2010-Present
In 2010, Poultney joined up with the eVermont program, which brought Vermont State College workshops to Poultney Citizens, Vermont Small Business Development Center workshops to Poultney Businesses, 5 new laptops for the Poultney Library on Main Street, a Wireless Network (one access point and two repeaters) to Main Street, 56 netbooks for Poultney’s 5th and 6th graders, and more! The PDRC was a vital partner in this process, and networked with Poultney area schools (including Green Mountain College), the Chamber of Commerce and other stakeholders to make this project a success.
Event: Youth Flea Market, Annual
Each year since 2010, the PDRC has co-sponsored the Poultney Youth Flea Market with the Poultney Rotary and the Poultney Recreation Department. Young citizens of Poultney set up shop on Main Street (usually next door to the Library’s Annual Book Sale, an advantageous spot to push summer reading!) and sell baked goods, crafts, photographs, old toys, and other clever endeavors! This event promotes entrepreneurship in our youngest residents, and is a great opportunity for families to work together.
Event: Maple Fest/Pancake Breakfasts, Annual
Each year the PDRC joins the Poultney Area Chamber of Commerce to host the Poultney’s Annual Maplefest, a weekend celebration of all things Maple. The PDRC manages the morning’s pancake breakfast, which is as much fun for us as it is for our attendees! We also provide matched funs to pay for the horse-drawn wagon rides throughout the day.